5 Ways to Naturally Heal Hip Bursitis

5 Ways to Naturally Heal Hip Bursitis

If you have hip bursitis, you know how painful it can be. You may find yourself constantly thinking about the pain, because it simply overwhelms your thoughts. So, how can you stop bursitis pain quickly and naturally?

Many options suggested often involve medicines that simply aren’t good for your body and have numerous side effects. It’s possible to treat your hip bursitis pain with natural choices that not only protect your body from harmful chemicals, but also work just as effectively. 

This article will not only clear up exactly what hip bursitis is, but will also explain why it hurts and how you can stop the pain quickly, without the use of pharmaceutical drugs. 

What Is Hip Bursitis?

Around the body’s joints are little, fluid-filled sacs known as bursae, which provide lubrication to prevent friction and wear when the joint is used. Anywhere skin, muscles, or tendons meet against bone, bursae sacs will surround the tissue. 

If the bursae become inflamed, they cause pain called bursitis, which results in mild discomfort, a burning sensation, or a sharp pain. If you have bursitis, your joints may appear swollen and red and you may be unable to move them due to stiffness. 

The majority of bursitis in the hip involves the outermost bursa, called the trochanteric.This sac is located on the outermost portion of the hip where the leg attaches to the hip bone. You’ll be able to tell if your trochanteric bursa is causing you problems if you feel hip pain and swelling where your palms touch your hips when standing with your arms at your sides. 

What Causes Hip Bursitis?

Bursitis is often idiopathic, which means it has no known cause and may result from a variety of things depending on the individual. For instance, it might result from excessive running, exercise, or other repetitive physical activity. It could be caused from microtrauma over time or from major trauma from a fall or car accident. 

Active individuals may develop bursitis from overuse or it could result from long hours of sitting. Sitting without getting up and moving every hour or so can cause the muscles to shorten and tighten, pulling across the bursa and irritating it. Bone spurs might cause crystals to form and irritate the bursa. 

Different activities can aggravate hip bursitis, such as climbing stairs, getting into or out of a vehicle, or simply walking, particularly on an uneven surface. Even sleeping with hip bursitis can irritate the area, causing pain. If you are suffering with hip bursitis, you may experience pain in either of your legs when sleeping on your side. 

The best sleeping position for your spine is on your side, however, you may be experiencing pain if you have hip bursitis. It may seem obvious not to sleep on the side with the swelling and pain in the hip, but you may still experience pain in the leg that isn’t on the mattress when sleeping on your side.

The best sleeping position for hip bursitis may be to temporarily lie on your back. Or you could try sleeping with a smaller pillow between your knees. This separates your legs and prevents muscle strain on your hips. 

How Do You Treat Hip Bursitis Naturally?

Hip bursitis pain can be debilitating, and if you are suffering from it, you want to find relief now, preferably without using pharmaceutical medicines, which can create further problems within your body.

Consider these natural ways of dealing with the stiffness and pain associated with hip bursitis.

Stretches and Exercises for Hip Bursitis

Doing exercises may seem counterintuitive if you are hurting, however, stretching the muscles often relieves hip bursitis pain. Consider doing daily stretches and exercises to help loosen the muscles and relieve the pain. Water exercises, such as water aerobics or gentle swimming, are a good starting point to deal with stiffness and pain while still loosening your muscles. 

Ice Therapy for Hip Bursitis

Ice is known to reduce swelling, inflammation, and pain. Use an ice pack wrapped in a thin cloth on your hip for twenty minutes on, then twenty minutes off. After three days of this therapy, move on to the heat therapy. 

Heat Therapy for Hip Bursitis

After applying ice therapy to the pain for three days, you should switch to heat therapy, which offers greater relief following ice while also bringing healing nutrients in the body to the area. Use a hot water bottle, a heating pad on low, or simply soak in the tub to get the most of this therapy.

Anti-Inflammatory Supplements for Hip Bursitis

As inflammation is the main problem with bursitis, reducing or removing inflammation can help alleviate or eliminate any pain you may be feeling. Natural anti-inflammatories are better than over-the-counter medicines like ibuprofen. Instead, consider the following anti-inflammatory supplements:

  • Mullein
  • Curcumin
  • Omega-3
  • SAM-e
  • Zinc
  • Cat’s Claw

Speak to your doctor or chiropractor prior to taking supplements, especially if you are being treated for a health condition or are taking prescription medications.

Chiropractic Care for Hip Bursitis

Many people don’t realize how effective chiropractic care can be for a variety of conditions, including hip bursitis. Because they are specialists in musculoskeletal conditions, chiropractors not only know how to stop the pain experienced by hip bursitis, but also how to help with a quick recovery. 

Chiropractic adjustments are non-invasive. They can reduce the stress and pressure on the bursae, which can relieve pain. Adjustments can also reduce inflammation and improve flexibility. Regular visits to your chiropractor may be required to manage your condition. If you are ready to find relief for your hip bursitis, then schedule a chiropractic appointment online or call us today.

This article is for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for in-person advice or care from a medical professional.