Rocket City Chiropractic Blog

Chiropractic Huntsville AL Chiropractic Care vs Physical Therapy

Chiropractic vs. Physical Therapy: What’s The Difference For Back Pain Treatment?

Though back pain is one of the most common ailments among adults, it can be tough to know how to get relief. Who can help you? Where should you turn for expertise and guidance? If you’re looking for treatment options that won’t just be a prescription or surgery suggestion, both chiropractic and physical therapy can…

Chiropractic Huntsville AL Fertility

3 Surprising Ways Chiropractic Care Supports Female Fertility

Family planning is an exciting, new adventure. However, when you’re trying to conceive, things don’t always go as planned. When months tick by with no positive pregnancy test, it’s easy to get discouraged.  If you’re trying to get pregnant and it’s not happening right away, you’re certainly not alone. When conception doesn’t occur within the…

Chiropractic Huntsville AL Tight Hip Flexors

The Surprising Cause of Lower Back Pain – And How To Conquer It

Aching, throbbing, nagging lower back pain.  One day, it crops up…and then it’s just kind of “there.” Lower back pain can be so much more than an inconvenience; it can be the barrier between the active lifestyle that you enjoy and make the start of each day truly uncomfortable.  Though back pain is incredibly common,…

Chiropractic Huntsville AL Menopause Symptoms

What Women Wish They Knew About Alleviating Menopause Symptoms

Night sweats. Chills. Mood swings. Sleeplessness. Embarrassing hot flashes. “The Great Change.”   Yep, we’re talking about menopause. Welcome to the other side. Though menopause is completely natural, many women are plagued by the uncomfortable side effects, and mitigating them is a top priority. After all, no one enjoys losing sleep because of uncomfortable night sweats…

Chiropractic Huntsville AL Pediatric Ear Infections

Stop Recurring Pediatric Ear Infections– Without Antibiotics

Pediatric ear infections: not fun for anyone! Between the late nights, crying, aching, and pain, pediatric ear infections can be pretty rough on a household. Yet, pediatric ear infections are incredibly common. Five out of six children have at least one ear infection by the time they reach three years old. Not to mention, many…

Chiropractic Huntsville AL Side Effects of Traumatic Injury

The Lesser Known Side-Effect Of Traumatic Injury

Have you lived through a bad accident, a complex injury, or had major surgery?  Traumatic life events are not only frightening in the moment, but often also leave other residual symptoms even after the main threat has seemingly passed. In truth, trauma to the body has more profound implications than just a structural injury. Of…