Understanding Erb’s Duchenne Palsy: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment Options

Understanding Erb’s Duchenne Palsy: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment Options

Erb’s Duchenne Palsy is a condition that affects babies and causes lack of movement in arms, hands, and fingers. It is usually caused by birth trauma such as shoulder dystocia and can have long-lasting effects if not treated properly. 

Fortunately, the rate of complete recovery is high if treatment begins early. While there are surgical options, non-surgical choices such as chiropractic care can also help. 

In this article, we will explore the causes and risk factors of Erb’s Duchenne Palsy, prevention strategies, typical treatment options, and the role that chiropractic care can play in managing this condition.

What Are the Causes and Risk Factors of Erb’s Duchenne Palsy?

Not always, but most often, Erb’s Duchenne Palsy occurs because of a trauma at birth such as shoulder dystocia, which is when one or both shoulders get stuck during delivery. The injury occurs at what is known as the Erb’s point in the neck, or the area between the C5 and C6 cranial nerves. 

Other risk factors include:

  • Larger than average babies
  • Prolonged labor
  • Assisted delivery
  • Breech birth
  • Maternal diabetes

How Can You Prevent Erb’s Duchenne Palsy?

Prevention of Erb’s Duchenne Palsy starts with proper prenatal care. Expectant mothers should receive regular prenatal care, maintain a healthy diet, and avoid smoking and alcohol during pregnancy. 

During labor and delivery, healthcare providers should use proper techniques and tools to minimize the risk of birth trauma. Mothers with diabetes should carefully monitor their blood sugar levels to reduce the risk of large babies.

How Do You Treat Erb’s Duchenne Palsy?

The recommended treatment for Erb’s Duchenne Palsy includes early immobilization followed by passive and active range of motion exercises. Early immobilization helps to prevent further damage and allows the nerves to heal. 

Passive range of motion exercises are gentle movements that are done to the affected limb by another person, while active range of motion exercises involve moving the limb by oneself. In some cases, surgery may be recommended to repair the damaged nerves; however, there are safer, non-invasive options to treat Erb’s Palsy, including chiropractic care.

What Is the Role of Chiropractic Care in Erb’s Duchenne Palsy?

Chiropractic care can play a role in managing Erb’s Duchenne Palsy by helping to restore proper nerve function and promoting healing. Chiropractors use gentle, non-invasive techniques to realign the spine and improve nerve function. This can help to reduce inflammation, relieve pain, and improve overall mobility.

Chiropractors can also work with children to develop a customized exercise program that can help to strengthen the affected muscles and improve overall mobility. By working closely with a chiropractor, children with Erb’s Duchenne Palsy can receive personalized care that is tailored to their specific needs.

Frequently Asked Questions About Erb’s Duchenne Palsy

People often have questions related to Erb’s Duchenne Palsy and how they can help their child find relief and live a full, healthy life. Here are some common questions with answers:

Can Erb’s Duchenne Palsy be Cured?

While the effects of Erb’s Duchenne Palsy can be long-lasting if left untreated, it is possible to achieve full recovery with proper treatment. The rate of complete recovery is 80% to 96%, especially if improvement begins in the first two weeks.

Can You Build Muscle with Erb’s Duchenne Palsy?

Yes, it is possible to build muscle with Erb’s Duchenne Palsy. Exercises and physical therapy can help to strengthen the muscles and improve overall mobility.

What Does Therapy Do for Erb’s Duchenne Palsy?

Therapy can help children with Erb’s Duchenne Palsy to learn how to use their affected arm and hand for everyday activities. Chiropractors or therapists work with children to develop fine motor skills, increase grip strength, and improve hand-eye coordination.

Can Erb’s Duchenne Palsy Get Worse?

If left untreated, Erb’s Duchenne Palsy can result in long-term effects such as muscle weakness, loss of sensation, and reduced range of motion. In severe cases, surgery may be required to repair the damaged nerves. It is important to seek early treatment to prevent further damage and promote healing.

How Can I Exercise My Child with Erb’s Duchenne Palsy?

Exercises for children with Erb’s Duchenne Palsy should be tailored to their individual needs and abilities. A chiropractor can work with the child to develop a customized exercise program that can help to strengthen the affected muscles and improve overall mobility. Some exercises that may be helpful include gentle stretching, resistance training, and activities that promote hand-eye coordination.

Where Is the Damage Found in Children with Erb’s Duchenne Palsy?

The damage in children with Erb’s Duchenne Palsy is typically found in the nerves that control movement and sensation in the arms, hands, and fingers. This damage usually occurs at the Erb’s point in the neck, which is the area between the C5 and C6 cranial nerves.

Is Erb’s Duchenne Palsy Painful?

Erb’s Duchenne Palsy itself is not usually painful, but it can cause discomfort and limited mobility. However, in some cases, children with Erb’s Duchenne Palsy may experience pain due to muscle tension, inflammation, or other underlying conditions. Therefore, seeking out chiropractic care early is essential to a pain-free, healthy life.

Conclusion: Managing Symptoms of Erb’s Duchenne Palsy                                

Erb’s Duchenne Palsy is a condition that affects the arms, hands, and fingers of babies and can have long-lasting effects if left untreated. While there are surgical options, non-surgical choices such as chiropractic care can also help. 

Early immobilization and range of motion exercises are typically recommended, and chiropractic care can play a role in promoting healing and restoring proper nerve function. By working closely with healthcare providers and developing a customized treatment plan, children with Erb’s Duchenne Palsy can achieve full recovery and improve their overall quality of life. For more information on treatment, schedule a chiropractic appointment online or call us today.

This article is for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for in-person advice or care from a medical professional.