4 Exercise Myths Debunked

4 Exercise Myths Debunked

Whether you’re just starting out on an exercise program or have been following a fitness plan for some time, you want to make sure that you’re doing it right. Perhaps you have personal, health-related goals that you wish to achieve. You may be motivated by a friend, your own image of yourself, or changes in your health. Regardless of your motivation, you’ll want to implement exercise, healthy eating, and chiropractic care as ways of improving your overall health. 

However, you want to be careful when jumping into an exercise program because there are a lot of myths that you may not be aware of. You don’t want to risk pain and injury by believing something that actually isn’t true about exercising. We debunk four exercise myths below to ensure that you have a smooth exercise routine. 

What Are Some Myths About Exercise?

There are many myths about exercise that need to be debunked so that you can get a complete and healthy workout. Make the most out of your exercise program by considering these four fitness myths. 

Myth #1: Exercise and Diet Aren’t Related

Many people think that they can eat whatever they want as long as they exercise. After an intense 30-minute workout, you may feel like you’ve burned enough calories to eat that double bacon cheeseburger and fries, but in reality, you’ve probably only burned enough calories to cover the bun. 

Always combine healthy eating with your exercise program. A diet of good carbohydrates, fruits and veggies, and lean protein are all necessary to provide the body with what it needs to work, play, and exercise. Diet and exercise go hand-in-hand for a healthy, happy you.

Myth #2: Crunches Are Best For Your Core

Many people want to get rid of belly fat and think that crunches are the ideal move to tighten the core and reduce fat around the midsection. Unfortunately, that’s not true. Crunches are one of the least effective core exercises. They just don’t get rid of belly fat like you would think. 

Instead, increase your cardio workouts and add resistance training to your routine that targets your whole core. You’re on the right track in trying to reduce your abdominal fat, as it can increase your chances of getting heart disease, liver problems, and diabetes.

Myth #3: You Need to Work Out For Hours

Oftentimes, people think that you need to work out for hours on end before you’ll see any benefits of your hard work. Thankfully, that’s not true. You need to work smarter, not longer. 

Begin by strength training before your aerobic exercises. Your body initially activates its supply of carbohydrates when you begin your workout. This fuel is best for short term, intense exercise, like strength training. After your body has depleted its carbohydrate stores, it starts using fat as fuel for exercise, which is best for aerobic exercise. 

As far as length of time devoted to exercise, aim for a minimum of two and half hours per week of moderate exercise like brisk walking or slow swimming. That’s just above twenty minutes per day. Or if you choose more vigorous activities, like running and bicycling, then you really only need a minimum of 75 minutes per week. 

Myth #4: No Pain; No Gain

Many people believe that you should feel sore after a workout or you’re not doing it long enough or correctly. But a “no pain; no gain” mentality isn’t always accurate. Muscles don’t always get sore after a workout, so if you feel no pain or discomfort following your workout, it doesn’t mean you did it wrong. In fact, just the opposite may be true.

In the beginning, you may notice muscle soreness, but as you continue with your exercise program, your body will adapt and get stronger. At this point, you won’t feel as much pain. In fact, if you continue to feel discomfort or worsening pain, you may need to change your routine. Also, be sure to keep your chiropractic appointments to help with any discomfort you may be feeling. 

How Do I Ensure I Maintain Good Health?

If you are seeking to maintain all-around good health, then a full-body approach is the answer. Make sure that you know which bits of exercise information are false and which are true, so that your exercise plan is effective and healthy. 

Keep the following to achieve better health:

  • A healthy diet
  • Frequent exercise
  • Stress management
  • Regular chiropractic care

Chiropractic care is an often-overlooked way towards a complete health journey. Chiropractic is a drug-free and non-surgical approach to healing and wellness. Since your brain uses the nervous system in the spinal column to communicate with the rest of your body, it is at the core of your overall health and mobility. 

Your health and wellness are important. Take appropriate steps today toward managing your exercise program. To find out more about how chiropractic care, along with exercise, can help you reach your health goals, schedule a chiropractic appointment online or call us today.

This article is for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for in-person advice or care from a medical professional.